Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Audio | Natural History Podcasts!

Until very recently, I had an hour and a half commute to work (spoiler alert: it sucked). In order to keep from braining myself on the steering wheel, I listed to a lot of NPR and a lot of podcasts. Since this is britt&bone, I've made a list of some of my favorite natural history podcasts for your general perusal and listening pleasure.

This podcast might love dinosaurs more than I do. Every episode focuses exclusively on a different dinosaur, along with featuring recent dinosaur news.

 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County - First Fridays

I've never been to any of NHMLA's First Fridays, but thanks to their podcast I can still catch this awesome lecture series!

 American Museum of Natural History Podcast

AMNH's media game is on point - this podcast features lectures, discussions with researchers, interviews, panels, and more!

Just what it says on the tin: a lovely little behind-the-scenes look at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History! Sadly this podcast hasn't been updated since 2011, but the available episodes are no less interesting for being a few years old.

Ask Science Mike

This podcast is great for people like me, who are really interested in the intersection of science and faith. Mike McHargue answers listener questions about "science, faith, and life."