Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Field Museum | Summer 2014

It's no secret that I love natural history museums.

When I'm traveling I'll make every effort I can to visit one. I love seeing bones trussed up into facsimiles of what they used to be when they lived, I love watching kids lose their minds over dinosaurs, and I love love love being that annoying friend who will read every single information plate in the building. 

This past summer I had a chance to visit The Field Museum in Chicago while visiting friends. One of the foremost research institutions in the world, they feature "Sue" which is the largest Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton ever found!

I often say that in another life, I might have majored in biology. It's always interesting to think about the routes your life could have taken had you made different choices. As a child I was obsessed with animals and dinosaurs and soaked up any information I could find on the natural world. Even though I eventually moved away from the sciences in my academic life, my love affair with natural history and biology never really ended. I have scientific illustrations lining my walls; my bookshelves are stuffed with biological texts; I sleep in a Jurassic Park t-shirt. Some things stay with you forever, you know?

I'm just saying, there's definitely a reason my blog logo features a mammoth skeleton.

I would love to work in a museum one day, but even if that never happens, I'm sure I'll be haunting their halls 'til the day I die.

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