Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Spring 2015 Playlist

I'm enjoying the scant few weeks of pleasant weather here in Southern California before it starts heating up with a vengeance. I know, I  know, I shouldn't complain - but I live in the inland portion of this area, which means temperatures can skyrocket up to 115 degrees Farenheit in my neck of the woods during summer. At that point, even leaving my house is cause for an ice cold shower.

But for the moment, everything is oranges and honeysuckle and far-too-occasional rain showers. That calls for a playlist, because for me, everything calls for a playlist!

Sunshowers That Fall on my Troubles, a Spring '15 Mix
listen @ 8tracks

ethio invention no. 1 | Andrew Bird
feel | Bomaby Bicycle Club
sunshowers | M.I.A
guramayle | Gigi
slow motion | PHOX
the lioness hunt | The Lion King: Original Broadway Cast
cirrus | Bonobo
wake me | Message to Bears

Bonus Track:
poisoning pigeons in the park | Tom Lehrer

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